Original Item: One Only. Well, we cannot read his name clearly, however, this Officer starting as a 2nd Lieutenant in 1941 and finishing as a Major, as of this uniform, was plainly a man of great tast and clearly felt that when he went to war he needed to look his very best.
This set is all contained in a once hugely expensive exotic animal's hide suitcase. Included is a high quality Officer's Tunic, with medal ribbon, made in 1941 by London's oldest and probably finest Gentleman's tailors "Henry Poole & Company". Showing their London address at ?37,38,39 Saville Row? and their Paris establishment at ?10 Rue Tronchet?. The inside breast pocket with owner's identification label showing date of 1941, suit Ref: 224(?) and owner name W.G------- 2ND Lt.R.E.
Additionally included are this Officer's rather snappy light chocolate Jodhpurs, (riding breeches), his knee high brown leather boots, his brown Sam Brown Belt with shoulder strap and his leather covered high quality Swagger Stick.
The exotic hide suitcase is in fact a man's Vanity set lined in red leather containing a variety of silver topped (probably plated) containers for powders, colognes, and silver backed hair brushes. Also included is his silver trimmed doubled sided rotating shaving mirror in its original grained military style leather case. Finally there is an Oak framed embroidery, in full color, of the Royal Engineers Crowned Coat of Arms which no doubt adorned this suave Officer's bedside table.
What a set, and what a dandy! We spoke to Henry Poole, they are the oldest tailors in London dating from the Napoleonic Wars, and they have all their hand written records in ledgers since 1849! However, we were told to research this set would take up to two months and was an expensive undertaking. However, don?t let that stop the luck future owner of this set!
This set has been in a private collection for nearly forty years, and gives testament as to how the English Upper Classes prepared for war. Regrettably there is some minor moth damage to the tunic but it is all still eminently displayable. Probably WW2's most expensive 2ND Lieutenant's Uniform and accessory set purchased at the time.